AGM - 2024

The AGM will proceed on Thursday, 4 July 2024 being held at the SBDCC Clubhouse at 7pm. 

The Club received a total of 11 nominations for the Committee as follows:

President - Brendon Gibson

Vice President - Savindra Ilangamage

Treasurer - Umhar Samsudeen

Secretary - Alex Robynson

Committee Member - Trent Pearce, Hajara Wells-Peris, Karen Curness, Jack Ellis, Corey Taylor, Thomas Gehkre, Gordian Vanniasinghe

As there was only one nomination for each of the respective Executive roles, there will be no contested ballot for these roles.

As there was seven (7) nominations received for five (5) Committee Member roles, there will be a contested ballot for the five (5) Committee Members. If you wish to submit an Absentee Vote, please find attached form below to be completed. Absentee voting forms must be completed 24 hours prior to the AGM pursuant to section 75 of the Constitution - being 7pm, Wednesday 3 July 2024 and sent through to the current Vice President, Alex Robynson - (